
If you have people dealing drugs outside your Sydney home or business, it is not only unnerving and unpleasant, but it can also be potentially dangerous.

There are a number of things you can do if drug dealers are using your property as a place to deal and meet with their users and associates. Here is a list of tips to make your residence and your neighbourhood safer.

1. Notify the police. The first thing you should do is notify the police and give them a description of what you’ve witnessed. You can also ask for an increased police presence in your area.

2. The police are often very busy, and if you are concerned that their level of surveillance isn’t really having an impact, then having your own security systems and video surveillance installed is the next step. Having cctv systems set up outside your home or business will not only ensure you can record what is happening using the video cameras, but in some cases it’s enough to deter criminals who will move on. In the case that they don’t get the message, you can use the HD video footage to take to your local police station. With quality footage, the police will be able to track down the dealers and take immediate action.

If you are living in a rental property, talk to the real estate agent who will then speak to the owners. They should be more than willing to help you take action.

3. Record what information you can. This includes writing down number plates and looking for any areas where drug paraphernalia is being kept possibly nearby. All of this is useful to police and will help them catch the dealer(s) sooner.

4. Talk to your neighbours about the problem. Your neighbours may not only be able to help you provide important information to police, but they may also be able to help you stay informed with the crime that is happening in your area. Starting a neighbourhood watch is also a great deterrent from criminals and has been proven to lower crime rates in suburban areas.

5. Make sure all of the street lights in your area are in perfect working order. If there are lights that are out, make sure that you contact your local council to have them fixed. Try to encourage residents to have sensor lights installed on their property, so that drug dealers have nowhere in the shadows to meet with clients near your home.

Always be cautious with drug dealers and drug users. It is not a good idea to confront them or threaten them, as they could potentially take a dangerous course of action against your home or business. Telling them you are notifying police is also not a suggested course of action. It is best to speak to the authorities, who are trained to deal with such individuals.

Working with your local community centre can also be a great way to help deal with this problem in your neighbourhood. If young people know the risk of taking drugs and have alternative activities to enjoy, they are less likely to give drug dealers business.

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